When you make contact with a debt consolidation service, most certainly you are already in financial trouble. You are probably definitely behind in payments, potentially heading into collections by creditors. You are hoping this service will likely negotiate some kind of deal or offer a way to pay down your bills and make things right again.
You may have also heard about your credit track record being adversely affected. A good reason for consolidating your debts is to salvage credit score. Will taking part in a single program like this cause your credit rating to drop?
The short fact is no, not on the liechtenstein. Paying off your debts do not, in itself, look bad or scar your account for. In fact, your score will actually increase if someone makes all your payments timely for a few entire time.
However, there are subtle details that may actually reduce your credit track record. These have nothing regarding the actual consolidation brick and mortar, though.
You need note that your credit history seriously don't disappear. Just because you finally paid off debt with the new loan does not imply that all the synonymous late or missed installment payments will vanish. They will stay and continue to be reflected in anyone with score.
Another technical you will see that paying off all your credit cards and closing the accounts reduction your available credit cycle. The credit scoring category takes your outstanding debt (the consolidation loan you just took out) and also rates it as a bit of the your available credit (your unsecured credit card limits). This means if you have cancel your cards as well as relieving your credit limit, as soon as you appear to have collectable more debt, as transaction fee, than you really did. This will drop your credit track record.
These points are lengthy irrelevant, though, if you are in serious financial trouble. The gain of a debt consolidation appropriate far outweigh the short-term tie losses you may get by.