Debt consolidation is only the act of taking out another loan to repay any previous loans you have. Therefore, you can take out a loan to carry out any debt, including lotto tickets. Your only barrier on this is that would have a nice strange use for the borrowed funds, so if you gone consolidating through a company that does not have consolidation as their guideline purpose, you would incorporate some explaining to do.
For a formal debt consolidation company, however you, you would have no down side to this whatsoever. This is among the many reasons why you require the loan for your consolidation for an official company, rather than a bank or a supporting shark. These companies are employed to people who need to cover many different debt, so they would probably provide you with the loan with no question asked. Other reasons top reasons to go with an official company include they have a track record, leave you with free financial consultation, and just keep everything in order for you. Some will even bargain down the level of you owe your credit card banks.
So, if you possess good debt consolidation someone company, with a established track, they will allow for you to do anything. They will have the event for dealing with numerous situations and will definitely allow you to apply your loan to any traffic tickets you will probably have. The only problem that you will come across is getting a money from a bank those who are use it for doing it.